Thursday, November 18, 2010

Microsoft's "launch" of Lync

Was it just me, or did this supposed "launch" seem more like a skit by Penn & Teller?!  It all looks like window-dressing on top of the old "Office Communicator".  It doesn't really matter if you stick a cute/curioous "Label" on the product, the fact remains that it is still bloated and resource-intensive software that attempts to do everything - too much, really - for an enterprise environment.

All the prestidigitation in the world won't get small business excited about needing to purchase a server dedicated to this one "platform"... and the specs indicate a requirement for a 64-bit OS running on dual quad-core processors with 16 GB of RAM.

Yet another attempt at "Unified Messaging" - isn't that just so 1995?

Microsoft - are you COMPLETELY out of touch with the needs of Small Business?  Aren't there already a number of cloud-based services that are filling this need quite nicely, without the need for internal servers (and staff to support them)?

Okay - so everybody was impressed to see an "HD video chat" with Bill Gates - but really!?  Do we need to see this on a 40-foot screen?  It's just a "talking head" - not an action-adventure by James Cameron!

Time for a REALITY CHECK guys - get out of the ivory tower and visit the offices where we are facing continuing economic cutbacks and the IT budgets are still shrinking...  Just where do you think this stuff is going to sell?

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